Speech, Skills Development and Behavior Modification Department

Services provided by the department for children with special needs:

First: the diagnosis

The department uses the following measures to accurately diagnose children with special needs:

– The Stanford-Binet test, fifth image, to measure intelligence.

The Gilliam scale for the diagnosis of autism.

The CARS scale for the diagnosis of autism.

– Language test “APPLE TOOL” to assess children’s language skills.

The VINELAND Adaptive Behavior Scale of Social Maturity.

The Illinois Scale for the Academic Diagnosis of Children with Learning Disabilities.

QNST for the diagnosis of people with learning disabilities.

ADHD-SC4 scale for the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Stuttering intensity test.

Speech assessment for children with speech defects.

Second: training
The department uses some curricula for training people with special needs, such as:

The speech and skills development specialist uses tests and measurements to diagnose conditions such as:

– Portage program. Portage

Early Intervention Program “HELP”.

– Language Assessment Program Social Skills for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities “VB-MAPP”.

Assessment of basic learning and language skills (ABLLS).

The center also uses some teaching methods such as:

TEACCH program.

– Applied Behavior Analysis “A.B.A”.

– “SUN RISE” program.

Lovaas program.

– PECS image communication program.

– “E.M.I” program for children with cerebral palsy.

Maria Montessori method.

Carolina method.

The department also deals with the following cases:

First: Speech disabilities, including the following:

1- Voice diseases (muffled voice – infantile voice – monotonous voice – closed mouth speech – voice disappearance – trembling voice – hoarseness – hoarseness – whispering voice).

2- Language diseases: (linguistic delay – awareness).

3- Speech diseases: (stuttering – slurred speech – stuttering – lisp – slurred speech – aphasia).

4- Cases of hearing impairment and cochlear implants.

Second: Mental disabilities, including the following:

1- Autism.

2- Mental delay.

3- Cerebral palsy.